LUCROP® ADA is a tank mix adjuvant specifically formulated for foliar crop protection product spray applications, aiming to enhance drift control and increase retention and rainfastness. When mixed with water, LUCROP® ADA increases the viscosity of the spray mixture at low shear rates, reducing dripping off the leaf without any harmful effects on pumping or spraying.
Physico-chemical characteristics:
Dilution time of 0.1% LUCROP® ADA in water: LUCROP® ADA completely homogenizes in water within 10min.
Viscosity profile of 0.1% LUCROP® ADA
Drift profile of 0.1% LUCROP® ADA: Drift of spray at 4 m/s wind speed
Sprays with LUCROP® ADA show a higher drift - control. Additionally, the bounce-off and run-off are reduced